The Local Authorities do know who is considered ‘high risk’ but cannot know to what level people will need help in the coming months. As a community we also want to make sure that if people need help, we can be there for you.
To help make sure we can provide the right support and also this information, we are inviting you to let us know certain details by emailing, calling the contact number below, or by filling out the online form. This information will only be kept and used for this purpose and will only be securely accessible to a restricted number of our group.
The online form can be found here:
Or you can email us at info@thisistealby.com
The information required is:
Name, address, contact number, email address
How many people are in your house during the lockdown?
Do you consider yourself or your household to be High Risk? Y/N
Have you been recognised as being in the vulnerable community? Y/N
Is anyone in your household a key worker? Y/N
Are you currently isolating? Y/N
Do you have a support network of family or friends? Y/N
Do you expect to need food or other essential deliveries? Y/N
Do you need help now? Y/N
Are there any other comments you wish to add to help make sure you get the right support?
We are all concerned about privacy and it is important that you feel safe in sharing this information with us as well as the committee abiding by current data privacy laws [GDPR]. To this end we can say that; none of the individual personal information will be passed on to the Local Authority, only the summary that represents our community; Once the Covid-19 outbreak is no longer an emergency situation, we will destroy the information.
We will need to keep this information updated so please do contact us if anything changes and you need help.