Please be aware of scams pretending to be from the NHS Test & Trace Service.
In an effort to clarify how official tracers will get in contact with people, the Department of Health has said NHS test and trace employees will never ask for financial details, PINs or banking passwords over the phone, and tracers will not be making any home visits.
According to the Government website for the scheme, if contact tracers do get in touch with someone, it will be either in the form of a text, email or phone call.
Calls will come from a single phone number – 0300 013 5000 or via text messages sent from ‘NHS’, which will ask users to sign into the official NHS test and trace website and for their full name and date of birth to confirm their identity.
The guidance says tracers will never ask someone to dial a premium rate phone number to speak to them, for example, those starting 09 or 087, or ask for any bank details or to make any kind of payment or purchase.
It also says tracers will never ask for any social media identities or log-ins, passwords or PINs, or ask users to download software or access a website not belonging to the Government or the NHS.
What to do if you suspect a scam or concerned the call isn't genuine
If you suspect a scam or are worried that the call is not genuine, just say that you will call them back and hang up, the official NHS Test and Trace number is 0300 013 5000.
You should also immediately contact Action Fraud online or by calling 0300 123 2040.