Running time - 70 mins
Presented by New Perspectives Theatre (
Suitable for Adults/Older Children (12+)
Ticket prices £12.50 Standard / £7.50 Under 16
Available at Tealby Shop or online at
Set in rural England today, two parallel worlds are at loggerheads. Meet intern Jodie, foxhunting villager Jill, miniaturist and history buff Brian, Victor the village Mayor, Urban Artist Culter and Henry, the health inspector.
Welcome to the Model Village, set in an acre of idyllic England. Perfect waist-high houses are bordered by manicured lawns with bonsai trees; there’s a fishing village, a town hall, a castle, a pier and a zoo. But the jaded attraction is in debt and developers are prospecting. The marketing team, chasing grants, proposes a multi-cultural estate of affordable eco-housing. The village is closed for renovations. Architectural miniaturist Brian and work-placement Jodie are joined by Cutler, a big-name artist from the city and then things start to go wrong…
This is a production guaranteed to spark debate; high-quality theatre made specifically for rural communities – entertaining, relevant and with plenty of opportunity to get involved as the story develops – make sure you don’t miss this one-of-a-kind immersive production!
"New Perspectives has taken on an exciting challenge that proves rural touring companies can produce provocative work of national and international significance" (