In the early evening of Monday 8th November a band of some of the best bell ringers in Lincolnshire will attempt to ring a peal of 5040 changes on Tealby's six bells. It is some years since a 'full' peal was rung on our ancient bells and we wish our visitors success. It is possible to ring 720 unique changes on six bells so they will 'splice' together seven methods to achieve the 5040 changes. A peal typically takes about 2hrs 40mins. Methods can loosely be described as bell ringers music and they have centuries-old names. I'm not sure what methods will be rung on Monday, but they may well include Little Bob, Cambridge Surprise and Lincolnshire Surprise Minor. Hopefully you will listen in to some of the bell ringing - an art little changed since the 17th century.
- Colin Disney
