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The website of our very own local author, Keith Rylands-Bolton, goes live today!

Let's all give him some support! Visit and sign up on the 'News & Events' page to keep updated with Keith's latest musings, read his blogs and keep up with his promotional activities.

You'll also be able to find all the details of Trying Times for Sebastian Scattergood, his latest novel.

A thoroughly English tale, Trying Times for Sebastian Scattergood is published on 24th January 2023, and delights from its very first page. Predominantly focussing on a single

horrible year – 2012 - in the life of the hapless Mr Scattergood, the novel is also a celebration and exploration of the poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson and of the poet’s home county of Lincolnshire. Set in a small village in the Wolds, Trying Times is narrated by an earnest and pompous man who lacks any sense of self-irony.

Part disaster diary, part social satire, Keith has penned a novel of literary fiction which is both humorous and moving in equal measure.

To pre-order the book at a discount, use the following link:

You can also follow Keith on social media:

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