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Fish Supper Social Evening -7.30pm, Friday 3rd May, Tealby Village Hall

Bar open from 7pm.

£10 a person (£7 for Children)

Tickets can be bought at Tealby Village Shop.

Delicious menu supplied by the Award winning supplier 'The Lincolnshire Fryer'

Adult Menu

• Grimsby Haddock

• Steak & Ale Pie

• Scampi

• Battered Halloumi

• Fishless Fish

(All dishes served with chips & peas/beans/gravy)

Childen's Menu

• Cod Goujons

• Jumbo sausage

• Chicken nuggets

• Jumbo fish cake

(With chips, mushy peas or beans)

Select your menu option(s) & book at Tealby Village Shop by 22nd April

Places are limited!

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