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Christmas Tree Festival - 10am - 4pm, weekends of 11/12 & 18/19 December, at Tealby Church.

*UPDATE* Christmas Tree Festival at Tealby Church

Unfortunately, after considering the current Covid situation we have decided we are not able to serve refreshments, during the final weekend (18th/19th Dec). We hope this will not be too disappointing for you. You may find the church unmanned at times but please feel free to explore at your own pace. You might want to take a moment to sit down and reflect, maybe even light a candle, or offer a prayer for your loved ones or even our world which needs as much help as we can give in these once again difficult days. Please enjoy this sacred space, enjoy the trees, and find a space in your hearts for the Christ Child we await, along also with your families and friends.

This has been a difficult time again for many of us and we did not really expect to be here again 2 years on. Yet we have tried to lift spirits and we will continue to do so. Our Carol Service will take place on Sunday the 19th Dec at 6pm, however we are reintroducing social distancing and it will be a simpler more traditional service of Carols and Readings. If you feel safe, happy to wear face covering and believe you are Covid free then please come along and join this traditional telling of the Christmas Story. On behalf of myself and Tealby PCC, may I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Fr Chris Hewitt SCP


*Please note, on Sunday 19th December the times are 10am to 1.50pm

This year’s theme is ‘Children’s songs and Nursery Rhymes’. Monies raised will be divided between the charities taking part, ranging from our Local village groups & surrounding smaller churches, to St Barnabas Hospice and Guide Dogs UK. Also, the Church porch will be a drop off point for our local food bank, so please if you can, bring along a donation to pop in the collection box.

There will be a one-way system around the church, all you need to do is to try and guess how many nursery rhymes you can find along the way. Not only will there be the beautifully decorated trees to admire but edges and ledges will be packed with cryptic clue’s displayed ready to test your nursery rhyme skills!

On Saturday 11th Dec between 10am and 1pm we are simultaneously holding the Christmas Market in Church for the first time. So, this gives the opportunity to shop for those presents whilst surrounded by the lovely displays.

There will be a quiet area with a ‘Memory Tree’ for you to write your own personal messages along with the opportunity to light a candle and rest for a time of reflection if you so wish.

Activities for the children on offer are Hook a Duck, or helping a local farmer decorate a Christmas Tree (but which farmer could that be!) plus crayoning and free refreshments.

Funds raised will be solely from your donations, so please come along & help make this spectacular event a success

On Sunday,19th December at 6pm, there will be a Traditional Carol Service at the church. All are welcome!

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