01673 838 564
Home visits
Susan Lewis MSSCh MBChA. Community Chiropodist visiting you at home.
Registered with the Health & Care Professions Council CH17775, insured with the BChPA & DBS checked.
Toenail cutting. Corn & Callous removal. Specialist treatments for fungal nail, ingrown toenail.
Verrucae and Warts.
Professional Fees
Initial Consultation
Tealby Residents - £30 Surrounding Areas - £35
Follow up appointments
Tealby - £25 Surrounding Areas - £30
Thick nail debridement
Prices from £40 Surrounding Areas from £45
Fungal Nail Treatment
Prices from £55 Surrounding Areas from £60
Ingrown toenails that require surgery may need a local anaesthetic. This procedure needs to take place within a Clinic environment. If this is necessary I can refer you to
my Associates at Advance Podiatry in Gainsborough if you wish at www.advance-podiatry.co.uk
Swift Microwave Therapy
Verrucae and Wart treatment using the latest Swift Microwave Therapy;
Initial Consultation, as above. Followed by a course of 3 sessions £300.
For further information about Swift Microwave Therapy please refer to my website;
www.swift-verruca-lincolnshire.co.uk where you can also contact me via email if you prefer.